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Energy Audits and Consultation

What is an energy audit? Why is it important?

An energy audit is an evaluation of your home or commercial building. After the customer outines their concerns and observations, we use diagnostic tools and our building science training to identify the root causes of their issues.


We use a whole-building as a system approach, as taught by the Building Performance Institute. This approach recognizes that your building functions as a system, with different components - the building envelope (shell), heating and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and you, the occupants - which each affect the performance of the other components. Often, fixing issues in a building can be more complex than simply fixing one component. If one system has a problem, it impacts the other systems’ ability to function properly.


"High energy bills, uneven temperatures from room-to-room, drafts, moisture, mold, mildew, poor indoor air quality, ice dams, pest infestations, seemingly uncontrollable humidity levels and even premature deterioration of building materials can all be the result of a breakdown in the relationship between the systems in your house." -Building Performance Institute


This is why it is important to consider your "whole system" when conducting any building improvement. Any time you change one component of the system, such as installing a new HVAC system, renovation or addtion you may be affecting the other components and potentially making issues worse. We offer general consultation and construction management services to oversee projects or improvements in new and existing buildings to ensure the most beneficial techniques are used. Whether in a new or existing building, you want to make sure your "whole system" is operating at its peak performance.


Please visit our Retrofits and Home Improvement page to see how we implement this "whole system" approach in our projects.


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