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Why is Aeroseal the best method of duct sealing?

Aeroseal is able to fix every air leak in a duct system because it works from the inside out. Many other companies and home energy programs advertise "duct sealing" as a part of their services, however their process is not nearly as effective or beneficial as duct sealing with the Aeroseal system. Aeroseal is the only technology available which is capable of sealing each and every air leak, not just the ones that can be seen or reached.

Aeroseal Process

Aeroseal Process


  • Seals every air leak from the inside out
  • No need to find air leaks manually
  • Improvement is documented and verified
  • No removal of insulation to access leaks
  • Performance guaranteed for 10 years
  • Over 80,000 homes successfully sealed

Mastic or Tape


  •  Only seals air leaks where they can be seen and accessed by hand
  •  Improvement is difficult to quantify
  • Ductwork in walls, ceilings, corners etc. is not sealed
  •  May need to remove and reinstall insulation to seal leaks
  • Success depends on accessabilty and capability of the installer
ECS Aeroseal

Manual duct sealing with mastic or tape is costly and incomplete. Why seal only some of the problematic air leaks when Aeroseal can seal them all?

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